Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Girl!

Here is another video from a few weeks ago of Kensi laughing.  My two favorite sounds, my daughter laughing and Ohio State football!

Annnddd..... She's Off!

Kensi is officially mobile now.  She took a couple crawls forward on Halloween but really took off this past weekend.  Her new favorite toy is anything we don't want her to crawl over to. Guess it's time to baby-proof the house. Gigi visited this weekend as well, we'll get some pictures up of her visit soon!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Sweetheart

Just wanted to share some super cute pictures from the past few weeks. Enjoy!!

Happy girl at Miss Brittany's!


Starting to get into things.... Since this picture the coffee table has been moved. 

My world. The most precious sight I've ever seen. I love these two so so much.