Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Susan's Shower/Bachelorette Party

On March 29th Kensi and I were able to celebrate my bestest best friend and her marriage to Max! Susan is getting married in June, but we had a shower and bachelorette party for her.  It was so fun to see my Shuller family and introduce Kensi to her new best friend Ellie, Lindsay's 7th month old.

Kisses for Grandma at the shower

Sus, Auntie Jan and Ellie

Kensi loved touching and smiling at Ellie

My mommy is a sweetheart - Sus loved her gift :)

Kensi loved Auntie Jan and Susan's silly faces

The Shuller and Marks clan

After the shower, we went to a pottery painting place to paint pie pans.  Susan and Max are making pies for desserts for their wedding so we made the pans! They are also going to be the centerpieces on the guest tables.

The group of artists

So painting pottery is a bit harder than it sounds - the paint that you see is not he color that it comes out to be after they are put in the kiln, so my pie pan looks like a gray hunk of dirt, but it will be a green and purple masterpiece very soon!!


My bestie is all grown up and getting married!!

The gals 

My beautiful mommy and me!

I can't wait until June 21st to celebrate Susan and Max! The wedding is in Charlottesville, VA and we are very excited to travel and stay on the grounds where the wedding will be.  We are also going to visit with Kelli, Stephanie and Adam while we are so close to DC/Arlington. 

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